As a Chinese-American, I have a personal perspective on the challenges of mastering a new language and culture. My family is originally from China, but I was born in the US.


Growing up, I often served as a language and cultural bridge for my parents and grandparents. I wanted to stand up for them, to ensure they weren't taken advantage of or dismissed because of language barriers. Seeing them vulnerable hurt me deeply.

I grew up as a minority in Arizona and was one of the few Asian kids in my school. Once I started school, I spoke Chinese less and less. I prioritized fitting in with my American peers over developing my Chinese. I didn't want to draw attention to how I was different. Meanwhile, my grandparents never became fluent in English. As I grew older and my thoughts became more complex, I lacked the words to express them, creating a wider gap between us. My grandparents’ connections didn't extend beyond our small Chinese community (which has grown much larger since), and there was much of my life I could not share with them. This lost connection remains a profound regret that gives me a strong sense of purpose in what I do today.

My Approach and Expertise

As your guide and friend, I'm here to empower you with the tools to succeed in your language journey. Since 2019, I've been helping students find their voice and boost their confidence through a comprehensive approach to English pronunciation and communication. I’ve worked with hundreds of students from all over the world! I draw from my experience as a native speaker, performer, and musician.

My expertise lies in the often-overlooked aspects of speech that make a real difference: pronunciation, prosody, and the physical aspects of speaking. Here's how we work together:

  1. Learn all the sounds of American English - in particular the ones that don't exist in your native language!
  2. Pronunciation as Physical Exercise: We approach pronunciation as a physical skill. I'll guide you to master the movements of your mouth, tongue, and vocal cords to produce sounds smoothly and naturally.
  3. The Musicality: We’ll dive deep into exploring how rhythm, stress, and intonation work in American English. You'll learn to harness these elements to speak more persuasively and deliver your message with impact
  4. American Intonation Patterns: We focus on mastering the specific intonation patterns of American English, helping you sound more natural and confident in your speech.
  5. Safe Learning Environment: Drawing from my own experiences of feeling different and isolated, I've created a space where you can freely experiment with new speech patterns without fear of judgment. As your conversational partner, I excel at active listening and keeping you engaged, always ready to assist when you're unsure.